Wednesday, October 2, 2024

I’m back

Hey guys! I had a bit of a family emergency so I’m a bit late to my first post, but I’ll catch you up fast!

so I switched my learning project choice around for the second time mostly because my life is a lot more busy than I expected! I was going to do more of a flavourful route but I decided to really try something new. I hunt quite a bit so I decided on more of a nature photography route. I live 45 minutes away from the mountains so it gives me an excuse on my days off to really share those. It makes sitting in the bush waiting a bit more enjoyable. I see some pretty neat things I feel like more people would enjoy seeing and I nanny at a calf ranch (2000 little cows) but I watch a little boy named Duncan!

I guess my goal every week would be to learn something new about my camera or/and editing. I have been stealing my boyfriends camera and this project has finally inspired my to take full custody of it until December. Don’t worry he has another one so I don’t feel too bad!

He has so graciously lent me his Canon eos M100, which may look small but it’s awesome! We’ve got a few lenses so im really excited to finally learn how to actually use it!

I got inspired for the idea through all the cool TikTok clips of nature and just things so don’t see on your average basis, and I feel like I live a pretty feral life haha!

I started this week by just watching a simple YouTube video on how it works and what it can do! You should definitely check it out.

Well I’m hoping to put some of these skills to work and come back with something hopefully not blinding to the eyes!


Tuesday, September 24, 2024

A little bit about me!

 Hi Everyone! 

   My name is Kylie, but mostly everybody calls me Ky. I'm super new to blogging so just bare with me, I will hopefully get better. I was born and spent most my childhood in Nanaimo, BC.  Best childhood ever, only a 5 minute drive to the beach, it was a dream! 

  when I was 8 years old, my family packed up and headed for the prairies, to be exact Sherwood Park, AB. Let me tell you, It was a change to say the very least. 

   Lucky for me there was more opportunity for sports in a larger city. Since I have been young, I have always loved being active. I spent everyday I can remember playing soccer, but I also played Lacrosse. Kind of a weird mix, but I loved them both for different reasons. I have experienced so many different life accomplishments through sports, and grained so much knowledge. Competitive sports taught me culture from traveling the world, given me lifelong friendships. I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to receive post secondary scholarships for both sports, but ended up deciding on soccer. I played as a starting goalkeeper for the UofR womens soccer program from 2018-19. I then went to play in the UWS Womens Pro League from 2019-20, but like everybody around the world, my dreams were put of hold due to the pandemic, and I had to be trapped like a prisoner in my house for two years. 

  Reading 62 books in 2 years sounds so fun right,? And yes I counted. I was just waiting to get back to regular life. With restrictions being so strict, I became, lets just say demotivated. So like many I solved my loneliness with a puppy I had no means getting at 21, and found some new things to love.


His names Jasper, but usually his friends call him Jappy, and he is a very good boy. He’s a mix of golden retriever and Australian Shepard. As cute as he is, don’t be so fooled. He’s very smart and will manipulate you for any food possible. Cheese is his Kryptonite, and at 70lbs his absolute best friend is his sister Bow Byron. Though she may only look like a domesticated house cat, this little girl is the foundation of our family, and never misses an opportunity to annoy her bother Jappy!

    Even though I have little to no blogging experience, and I am not the greatest with technology, I am really excited for this project, and what I will learn along the way!!

I’m back

Hey guys! I had a bit of a family emergency so I’m a bit late to my first post, but I’ll catch you up fast! so I switched my learning projec...